Applications (Required for New and Returning):
Player Application (2024 Version)
Coach Application (Closed)
Please Scroll to the bottom for more Player and Coach Information
What is AYSO Extra?
AYSO Extra is a competitive, year-round soccer program designed to provide a more challenging level of play for those players who possess the appropriate interest,
skills and abilities. The objectives of the Extra program are to enhance each player's experience and individual growth through the game of soccer, while retaining
the spirit, organization, and philosophies of AYSO. The sixth philosophy of AYSO, Player Development, is a primary focus of the AYSO Extra program.
Extra teams are formed by Regions throughout Section 1 and Section 10. The Extra teams play against each other during the Fall soccer
season (10 - 14 games), with playoffs held at season's end, as well as in various Tournaments and other competitions throughout the year.
Benefits of Playing on an AYSO Extra Team:
- Player Development: The Extra program will focus on the development of the whole athlete; including technical training, tactical abilities and fitness levels that set a
clear path towards achieving realistic goals and realizing potential, while having fun and learning the game of soccer.
- Year-Round Play: In addition to Fall season league-play in the Section 10 Extra Circuit. AYSO Extra teams continue to train and compete during the Winter & Spring "Tournament" season.
- Small sided games: Fewer players on the field (10U play 7 v 7; 12U play 9 v 9) allows for greater touches on the ball for all players involved.
- Everyone Plays: All players play at least half of every game.
- Positive Coaching: All coaches must be certified and experienced, as well as positive, instructive and encouraging with the players.
- Coach Mentoring: Extra Coaches have access to coordinate practice-session plans with Advanced Trainers and additional Training Materials. Extra Coaches are required to participate in the continuing development of their coaching skills.
- Well-Trained, Quality Referees: Referee teams are mindful of player safety and love of the game.
- Registration fees include home and away uniforms and an additional out-of-season Extra tournament.
New For 2024:
Quartz Hill AYSO EXTRA will continue to play in the Southern California Extra Developmental Soccer League.
Quartz Hill AYSO will be evaluating Quality Coach availability and interest as well as appropriately skilled Player interest for the 2024 AYSO Extra Membership Year. We will only form teams when there is a clear ability to field a Quality Team with an equally Capable and Dedicated Coaching Staff. We do this to ensure the quality, commitment and execution of the program meets the overall AYSO Mission and Philosophies of Quartz Hill AYSO.
Projected 2024 Quartz Hill Extra Teams ( based on current coach and player interest - we can add more if we have coaches and players)
- 10U Boys (2015-2016)
- 10U Girls (2015-2016)
- 12U Boys (2013-2014)
- 12U Girls (2013-2014)
- 14U Girls (2011-2012)
- 14U Boys (2011-2012)
Coach Applications:
Coach Application (Closed)
Player Applications and Try-Outs (Required for New and Returning):
Player Application (2024 Version)
Additional Tryouts possible, as needed, and with prior notice
Questions: Email the
Regional Extra Program Coordinator