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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Quartz Hill AYSO Region 638


Volunteer Training Overview

Why We Train & Certify

  1. AYSO is a volunteer run organization and without the efforts of thousands of volunteers who donate countless hours to enrich the lives of children, AYSO would not be a world class youth soccer program.
  2. Congress passed the Volunteer Protection Act in 1997 to promote volunteerism and grant volunteers immunity from certain liabilities.
  3. For everyone’s protection, AYSO requires all volunteers to:
    • Sign and submit a Volunteer Application every year,
    • Consent to background checks,
    • Be authorized to do their job and act within the scope of their Job Descriptions and AYSO’s policies, procedures and guidelines,
    • Complete Safe Haven Training and CDC Concussion Training
    • Be properly trained in their jobs.
  4. AYSO requires all volunteers to be trained and certified as the only way to ensure the fulfillment of the AYSO vision and to provide for the protection of both players and volunteers.
  5. Training provides job position and standard specific training such as Coach 6U, Intermediate Referee or Registrar training. Certification requires competency in the assigned position (job training), Child and Volunteer Protection (Safe Haven training) and AYSO Policies and Guidelines. Continuing Education includes training to improve skills like Principles of Play, Dispute Resolution and Problems Outside the Touchline.
  6. All Coaches, Referees and Board Members are required to be trained and certified.
  7. Practices and Games are NOT permitted without an AYSO trained and certified Team Coach.
  8. Games are NOT permitted without at least one AYSO trained and certified Referee.


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Contact Us

Quartz Hill AYSO Region 638

PO Box 4955 
Lancaster, California 93539

Email Us: [email protected]
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